The term 'reversal' is applied when
diabetics can go off their insulin medication but still need to stick to
certain lifestyle changes in order to completely stay off of it. So, what are
these lifestyle changes that can help reversing diabetes?
September 30, 2014 Medical science has again proved its mettle by answering the
gigantic question, can diabetes be reversed? While, now days, you can find a diabetic
in each house spending a fortune in diabetes drugs and insulin injections,
simple lifestyle changes have been introduced by medical researchers that helps
reversing diabetes. The only thing these diabetics need to reverse diabetes is
About Type-2 Diabetes
Type-2 diabetes is commonly known as
“adult - onset diabetes” that mostly affects people over 40 years of age. As
the age grows, insulin making capacity of a person lowers and the blood sugar
level increases beyond the normal range making the important cells
non-functional. That is when the person starts suffering with diabetes and has
to take insulin for normal functioning of cells.
Diabetes with simple lifestyle changes and 3-step diet plan
A simple lifestyle change is the key
to reversing diabetes. Diabetics can alter theaffects of diabetes by strictly
following a 3-step diet plan that will aid them in maintaining a normal blood
sugar level, losing extra weight and improving health consciousness. The 3-step
diet plan includes a simple diet containing all natural foods, regular
exercises (breathing and relaxation, stretching, meditation etc) and intake of
some natural supplements. All the steps are crucial for reversing diabetes
successfully and retaining a sound health.
Staying away from sugar and other
artificial sweeteners is a must for all diabetics. Adding leafy vegetables and
natural foods to the diet and exercising regularly helps a lot in controlling
blood sugar. These simple lifestyle changes are what it takes to reverse
According to recent medical
studies, diabetics can stop the progress of type-2 diabetes by just losing 10%
of their total weight and refrain from taking medications. In a recent studies
performed on 10 diabetics, 80% totally got off their diabetes medication within
a year by following this simple 3-step diet plan and the rest 20% were
identified as pre-diabetics as their blood sugar level reached the normal
level. Results were best for those who lost the most weight.
Visit Here for more information and
reverse your diabetes successfully.
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